The NucleoSpin RNA XS kit (10 preps) allows for the isolation of highly concentrated, highly pure total RNA from very dilute or low-volume tissue or cell samples. The kit includes NucleoSpin RNA XS columns, NucleoSpin Filters, Collection Tubes, buffers, RNase-free rDNase, Carrier RNA, and Reducing Agent TCEP.
The SMARTer-Seq Magnetic Separator - PCR Strip is designed especially for separation of magnetic beads (like AMPure XP beads; Beckman Coulter), from solution. This stand holds up to 24 0.2-ml PCR tubes in two rows, and is designed for capture of magnetic beads in 10–20 minutes. It is ideally suited for magnetic bead-based DNA purification and size selection techniques as used with most of our products for next-generation sequencing.