Rat Testis QUICK-Clone™ cDNA

Recommended Products

Cat. # Product Size Price License Quantity Details
639208 Titanium® Taq DNA Polymerase 100 Rxns USD $192.00

Titanium Taq DNA Polymerase is specially engineered for higher robustness and sensitivity than wild-type Taq, and contains TaqStart® Antibody for hot-start PCR. The polymerase mix is suitable for use in all PCR applications. A separate tube of optimized PCR buffer (Mg2+ plus) is supplied as well. Enough enzyme and buffer are supplied for PCR reactions of 50 μl each.

639206 Advantage® 2 PCR Kit 100 Rxns USD $580.00

This kit is based on Takara's Advantage 2 Polymerase Mix. It contains all reagents needed for a hot-start PCR, including control template and primer mix. This kit is ideal for PCR applications that require high fidelity, such as cDNA amplification or library construction. Enough reagents are supplied for 100 PCR reactions of 50 μl each.