NucleoSpin® 96 Virus

Recommended Products

Cat. # Product Size Price License Quantity Details
740684 Starter Set C Each USD $499.00

Starter Set C for processing NucleoSpin 8-well strips under centrifugation - 2 Column Holders C, 2 Racks of Tube Strips, 2 MN Square-well Blocks, Rack of Tube Strips

740681 NucleoVac™ 96 Vacuum Manifold Each USD $725.00

NucleoVac 96 Vacuum Manifold vacuum manifold for use of NucleoSpin 8/96 kits under vacuum - manifold base, manifold lid, waste containers, spacer set

740481.24 Square-well Block 24 Plates USD $261.00

Square-well Block (24) 96-well blocks with square wells for use with NucleoMag SEP pack of 24

740477.24 MN Tube Strips 24 Sets USD $560.00

Rack of Tube Strips (24 sets) set consists of 1 rack, 12 strips with 8 tubes each, and 12 cap strips pack of 24 sets

740477 MN Tube Strips 4 Sets USD $102.00

Rack of Tube Strips (4 sets) set consists of 1 rack, 12 strips with 8 tubes each, and 12 cap strips pack of 4 sets

740479 MN Wash Plate 4 Plates USD $41.00

MN Wash Plate (4) 96-well plates to facilitate drying of the NucleoSpin 8/96 Binding Strips/Plates and to minimize the risk of cross-contamination pack of 4

740479.24 MN Wash Plate 24 Plates USD $218.00

MN Wash Plate (24) 96-well plates to facilitate drying of the NucleoSpin 8/96 Binding Strips/Plates and to minimize the risk of cross-contamination pack of 24

740486.24 Elution Plate, U-bottom 24 Sets USD $147.00

Elution Plate U-bottom (24) 96-well microplates with 300 µL U-bottom wells, including Self-adhering Foils pack of 24

740676 Self-adhering PE Foil 50 Each USD $89.00

Self-adhering PE Foil (50) adhesive tape foils for sealing 96-well elution plates for air-tight storage of DNA / RNA pack of 50

740475 Round-well Block with Cap Strips 4 Sets USD $84.00

Round-well Block with Cap Strips (4 sets) set consists of one 96-well block with 1.2 mL round wells and 12 Cap Strips pack of 4 sets

740475.24 Round-well Block with Cap Strips 24 Sets USD $463.00

Round-well Block with Cap Strips (24 sets) set consists of one 96-well block with 1.2 mL round wells and 12 Cap Strips pack of 24 sets

740476 MN Square-well Block 4 Sets USD $39.00

MN Square-well Block (4) 96-well blocks with 2.1 mL square wells pack of 4

740476.24 MN Square-well Block 24 Sets USD $212.00

MN Square-well Block (24) 96-well blocks with 2.1 mL square wells pack of 24

740478 Cap Strips for 8-well tube strips 48 Cap Strips USD $39.00

Cap Strips (48) Cap Strips for sealing of Tube Strips, Round-well Blocks pack of 48

740478.24 Cap Strips for 8-well tube strips 288 Cap Strips USD $202.00

Cap Strips (288) Cap Strips for sealing of Tube Strips, Round-well Blocks pack of 288

740641 NucleoVac™ Vacuum Regulator Each USD $210.00

NucleoVac 96 Vacuum Regulator for use with NucleoVac 96 Vacuum Manifold, for controlling of vacuum

740682 Starter Set A Each USD $353.00

Starter Set A for processing NucleoSpin 8-well strips under vacuum on the NucleoVac 96 Vacuum Manifold or similar manifolds - 2 Column Holders A, 12 NucleoSpin Dummy Strips

740481 Square-well Block 4 Plates USD $45.00

Square-well Block (4) 96-well blocks with square wells for use with NucleoMag SEP pack of 4