TaKaRa® BioMasher Standard (Non-sterile)

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Cat. # Product Size Price License Quantity Details
740901.50 NucleoSpin® Tissue XS 50 Preps USD $227.00

NucleoSpin Tissue XS (50) 50 preps for the isolation of genomic DNA from tissue - NucleoSpin Tissue XS Columns, Collection Tubes, buffers, Proteinase K

740952.50 NucleoSpin® Tissue 50 Preps USD $158.00

NucleoSpin Tissue (50) 50 preps for the isolation of genomic DNA from tissue - NucleoSpin Tissue Columns, Collection Tubes, buffers, Proteinase K

740902.10 NucleoSpin® RNA XS 10 Preps USD $99.00

The NucleoSpin RNA XS kit (10 preps) allows for the isolation of highly concentrated, highly pure total RNA from very dilute or low-volume tissue or cell samples. The kit includes NucleoSpin RNA XS columns, NucleoSpin Filters, Collection Tubes, buffers, RNase-free rDNase, Carrier RNA, and Reducing Agent TCEP.

740955.50 NucleoSpin® RNA 50 Preps USD $302.00

The NucleoSpin RNA kit (50 preps) allows for purification for up to 70 μg of total RNA from cultured cells, tissue, bacteria, yeast, and cell-free biological fluids without the use of harsh organic compounds. The kit includes NucleoSpin RNA Columns, NucleoSpin Filters, Collection Tubes, buffers, and RNase-free rDNase.