Capture Beads

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Cat. # Product Size Price License Quantity Details
638504 SeqAmp™ DNA Polymerase 50 Rxns USD $154.00

SeqAmp DNA Polymerase is a high-fidelity PCR enzyme with hot start capabilities that is especially well-suited for use with specific SMARTer kits for transcriptome analysis (NGS). This optimized PCR enzyme has been shown to perform well even with challenging templates containing GC-rich and AT-rich regions. DNA Polymerase is sold as part of the SMARTer Stranded RNA-Seq Kit.

638509 SeqAmp™ DNA Polymerase 200 Rxns USD $428.00

SeqAmp DNA Polymerase is a high fidelity PCR enzyme with hot start capabilities that is especially well-suited for use with specific SMARTer kits for transcriptome analysis (NGS). This optimized PCR enzyme has been shown to perform well even with challenging templates containing GC-rich and AT-rich regions. DNA Polymerase is sold as part of the SMARTer Stranded RNA-Seq Kit.

635011 SMARTer-Seq® Magnetic Separator - PCR Strip Each USD $241.00

The SMARTer-Seq Magnetic Separator - PCR Strip is designed especially for separation of magnetic beads (like AMPure XP beads; Beckman Coulter), from solution. This stand holds up to 24 0.2-ml PCR tubes in two rows, and is designed for capture of magnetic beads in 10–20 minutes. It is ideally suited for magnetic bead-based DNA purification and size selection techniques as used with most of our products for next-generation sequencing.

635039 Capture Beads Each USD $896.00

Capture Beads are magnetic particles with streptavidin coated on the surface. They exhibit very low, non-specific adsorption of protein and nucleic acids on the particle surface, and therefore can be used for recovering high-purity, biotin-labeled molecules from samples. Additionally, the hydrophilic polymer on the Capture Beads does not inhibit enzymatic reactions such as PCR or reverse transcription. Capture Beads are used as a part of the components set for the SMARTer® Target RNA Capture for Illumina® kit.