Stellar Competent Cells arranged in a 96-well plate for high-throughput transformation. Stellar Cells are an E. coli HST08 strain that provides high transformation efficiency. These cells can be used in a wide variety of applications: from preparation of cDNA and genomic libraries, to construction of longer-length genomic libraries, to subcloning, and even methylated DNA cloning. Stellar Competent Cells lack the gene cluster for cutting foreign methylated DNA (mrr-hsdRMS-mcrBC and mcrA), and are therefore useful for cloning methylated DNA. The cells can also be used for blue/white screening (i.e., α-complementation) when transformed with vectors containing the lacZα gene. A pUC19 vector, SOC Medium, 8-Cap Strips, and a Plate Lid are included. These competent cells are recommended for use with Takara Bio's In-Fusion PCR Cloning Kits.
A 2X hot-start PCR master mix that is ideal for high-fildelity PCR or high-throughput applications. PrimeSTAR Max DNA polymerase pairs Takara Bio's high-fidelity PrimeSTAR HS DNA Polymerase with an elongation factor to provide efficient priming and extension, thereby shortening annealing and extension times. Please refer to the User Manual for the master mix composition. Reaction size: 1 rxn equals a 50 µl total reaction volume.
NucleoSpin 96 PCR Clean-up (1x96) 1x 96 preps for the purification of PCR products - NucleoSpin PCR Clean-up Binding Plate, MN Wash Plate, Elution Plate U-bottom, Self-adhering Foil, buffers