Xfect™ RNA Transfection Reagent

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Cat. # Product Size Price License Quantity Details
631317 Xfect™ Transfection Reagent 100 Rxns USD $310.00

Xfect is a transfection reagent that creates biodegradable nanoparticles that permit superior transfection efficiency of plasmid DNA into mammalian cells. Transfections can be carried out entirely in the presence of serum.

631323 Xfect™ Protein Transfection Reagent 30 Rxns USD $502.00

The Xfect Protein Transfection Reagent allows the delivery of proteins and antibodies into cell lines in less than two hours. Delivery efficiency is high (60-99%), and proteins retain their biological activity. This kit contains Xfect Protein Transfection Reagent, Xfect Protein Buffer, deionized water, and a Beta-Galactosidase Control.

740984.250 NucleoSpin® RNA Plus 250 Preps USD $1525.00

The NucleoSpin RNA Plus kit (250 preps) is a next-generation RNA purification kit designed for quick, efficient total RNA isolation from cells and tissues. The kit includes NucleoSpin gDNA Removal Columns, NucleoSpin RNA Plus Columns, Collection Tubes, and buffers.

740902.250 NucleoSpin® RNA XS 250 Preps USD $2005.00

The NucleoSpin RNA XS kit (250 preps) allows for the isolation of highly concentrated, highly pure total RNA from very dilute or low-volume tissue or cell samples. The kit includes NucleoSpin RNA XS Columns, NucleoSpin Filters, Collection Tubes, buffers, RNase-free rDNase, Carrier RNA, and Reducing Agent TCEP.

740948.250 NucleoSpin® RNA Clean-up 250 Preps USD $1150.00

NucleoSpin RNA Clean-up (250) 250 preps for clean-up of total RNA from reaction mixtures - NucleoSpin RNA Columns, Collection Tubes, buffers

740903.250 NucleoSpin® RNA Clean-up XS 250 Preps USD $1585.00

NucleoSpin RNA Clean-up XS (250) 250 preps for the clean-up of total RNA - NucleoSpin RNA XS Columns, Collection Tubes, buffers