SMART-Seq Total RNA-Seq Single Cell (ZapR Mammalian)
NOTE: SMART-Seq Total RNA-Seq Single Cell (ZapR Mammalian) is a replacement for the SMART-Seq Stranded Kit with with some updates for improved performance as indicated below:
- Improved efficiency of ZapR rRNA depletion reagents for better removal of unwanted reads
- New kit sizes match those of Unique Dual Index kits (24 rxns, 96 rxns, 384 rxns)
- For added flexibility, indexes are not included in the kit. A choice of indexing primers are sold separately (see Unique Dual Index kits)
Get more out of your single-cell and ultra-low input RNA-seq with SMART-Seq Total RNA-Seq Single Cell (ZapR Mammalian). This kit uses a random-priming approach to capture the whole transcriptome, enabling analysis of nonpolyadenylated transcripts at the single-cell level. The kit contains reagents for generating stranded sequencing libraries, including cDNA synthesis and amplification, ZapR-mediated ribosomal RNA depletion, and Illumina-compatible library preparation.
NOTE: SMART-Seq Total RNA-Seq Single Cell (ZapR Mammalian) is a replacement for the SMART-Seq Stranded Kit with with some updates for improved performance as indicated below:
- Improved efficiency of ZapR rRNA depletion reagents for better removal of unwanted reads
- New kit sizes match those of Unique Dual Index kits (24 rxns, 96 rxns, 384 rxns)
- For added flexibility, indexes are not included in the kit. A choice of indexing primers are sold separately (see Unique Dual Index kits)
Get more out of your single-cell and ultra-low input RNA-seq with SMART-Seq Total RNA-Seq Single Cell (ZapR Mammalian). This kit uses a random-priming approach to capture the whole transcriptome, enabling analysis of nonpolyadenylated transcripts at the single-cell level. The kit contains reagents for generating stranded sequencing libraries, including cDNA synthesis and amplification, ZapR-mediated ribosomal RNA depletion, and Illumina-compatible library preparation.
This kit incorporates Takara Bio's SMART (Switching Mechanism at the 5' end of RNA Template) technology and includes refinements to the SMARTer method for stranded RNA-seq that simplify the library preparation workflow and improve sequencing performance. In addition, contrary to the SMART-Seq mRNA and SMART-Seq mRNA HT, reverse transcription is initiated using random priming instead of oligo(dT) priming, thus capturing the full transcriptome instead of only the polyadenylated fraction.
SMART-Seq Total RNA-Seq Single Cell (ZapR Mammalian) was specifically designed to deliver highly sensitive and reproducible data from single cells while keeping the workflow short and user friendly. The kit does not require additional rRNA removal methods or kits and produces sequencing libraries that retain strand-of-origin information. The integrated removal of cDNAs derived from rRNA-typically present in high abundance following cDNA synthesis from total RNA inputs-makes the workflow extremely sensitive, yielding data that is highly reproducible with low mapping to rRNA.
If you prefer an oligo(dT) priming approach, we recommend SMART-Seq mRNA LP (with UMIs), SMART-Seq mRNA LP, or SMART-Seq mRNA HT LP.
- Simple workflow to generate stranded Illumina sequencing-ready libraries in ~6.5 hours
- Appropriate for analysis of 1–1,000 intact mammalian cells or 10 pg–10 ng of low- or high-quality mammalian total RNA
- Reproducible, accurate detection of full-length coding and noncoding transcripts from single cells or total RNA
- Comparable sensitivity to our gold-standard SMART-Seq mRNA.
SMART-Seq Total RNA-Seq Single Cell (ZapR Mammalian) workflow
Schematic of the SMART-Seq Total RNA-Seq Single Cell (ZapR Mammalian) workflow.
Consistent performance across the entire input range
SMART-Seq Total RNA-Seq Single Cell was used to prepare libraries from 10 pg and 10 ng of human brain RNA. Libraries were then either treated with the ZapR Mammalian rRNA Depletion Kit (sold as part of SMART-Seq Total RNA Single Cell (ZapR Mammalian)) and enriched through PCR amplification or left untreated. Data analysis was performed with CogentAP using 2 x 106 paired-end reads. The similarity of read distribution of 10 pg-input and 10 ng-input libraries treated with the ZapR Mammalian rRNA Depletion Kit demonstrates the consistency of SMART-Seq Total RNA Single Cell (ZapR Mammalian) across its entire input range.
Interested in more data and FAQs about this product? Visit the NGS Learning Center.
More Information
- Generation of Illumina sequencing-ready libraries in 7 hours from small quantities of mammalian cells (1–1,000 cells) or total RNA (10 pg–10 ng)
- Whole transcriptome sequencing with strand-of-origin information
Additional product information
Please see the product's Certificate of Analysis for information about storage conditions, product components, and technical specifications. Please see the Kit Components List to determine kit components. Certificates of Analysis and Kit Components Lists are located under the Documents tab.
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FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY. NOT FOR USE IN DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES. © 2025 Takara Bio Inc. All Rights Reserved. All trademarks are the property of Takara Bio Inc. or its affiliate(s) in the U.S. and/or other countries or their respective owners. Certain trademarks may not be registered in all jurisdictions. Additional product, intellectual property, and restricted use information is available at