RNA purification kit finder
Our RNA purification kits give you reliably pure RNA in minutes. We provide optimized protocols and conditions for a whole range of samples, including cultured cells, animal and plant tissues, blood and plasma, and even FFPE samples.
Use the tool below to select the approriate RNA purification product for your application and the size format that you require.

The better way to isolate RNA
Critical factors when purifying RNA are the complete removal of contaminating DNA (gDNA) and the immediate prevention of degradation of RNA. The NucleoSpin RNA Plus kit introduces the NucleoSpin gDNA Removal Column, a spin column which quickly and completely removes genomic DNA contamination without the need for DNase digestion. To maintain RNA integrity, cells and tissues are first lysed by incubation in a chaotropic ion lysis buffer solution, which immediately inactivates RNases.
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