New products from Takara Bio
In order to fulfill its mission of improving the human condition through biotechnology, Takara Bio strives to continuously improve upon its existing products and to develop innovative new solutions that facilitate cutting-edge research and technological advancement in the life sciences.
Here are descriptions of some of our most recent product offerings.

Unlock full-length RNA isoforms from low-input samples
SMART-Seq mRNA Long Read
- Capture full-length transcripts up to 8 kb in length
- Process ~10 pg–100 ng of total RNA input or samples consisting of 1–1,000 cells
- Multiplex up to 96 samples for sequencing on the Oxford Nanopore Technology platform

Increase RNA purification throughput for plant and fungi samples
NucleoSpin 96 RNA Plant & Fungi
- Process samples in a 96-well format by centrifugation, vacuum, or automation
- Adapt the protocol with ease for your specific plant or fungal sample type
- Remove secondary metabolites that interfere with downstream processing

Achieve rapid and sensitive mycoplasma extraction
NucleoSpin Mycoplasma DNA
- Extract even trace amounts of mycoplasma DNA successfully from cell culture samples
- Have full trust in your results as every lot is confirmed to test negative for mycoplasma DNA
- Pair with the TaKaRa Mycoplasma qPCR Detection Kit for a complete mycoplasma solution

Discover fast, thermal-cycle-free amplification with high yields
phi29 DNA Polymerase
- Perform high-yield, isothermal amplification from as little as 5 pg of DNA
- Obtain accurate amplification from long DNA templates
- Skip optimization of PCR primer and cycling conditions

Get more from your NGS data with our latest bioinformatics software
Cogent NGS Analysis Pipeline / Cogent NGS Discovery Software
- Demultiplex scDNA-seq data in addition to single-cell and bulk RNA-seq data
- Perform ribodepletion of data using SortMeRNA
- Analyze data generated from the high-throughput Shasta Total RNA-Seq and the Shasta Whole-Genome Amplification kits

Ultra-long amplification PCR enzyme with high fidelity and specificity
PrimeSTAR LongSeq DNA Polymerase
- Amplify ultra-long (50 kb or more) segments—even difficult sequences such as GC-/AT-rich sequences
- Suppress nonspecific amplification—for highly specific long-length multiplex PCR reactions
- Leverage highly accurate template amplification—ideal for long-read sequencing

Simplify automation workflows for clinical and veterinary samples
NucleoMag Pathogen/VET prefilled plates for IsoPure Mini
- Process 8–32 samples in parallel
- Minimize hands-on time and handling mistakes
- Reduce plastic consumption by up to 50%

Achieve fast and highly accurate RT-PCR in a single tube
PrimeScript II High Fidelity One Step RT-PCR Kit
- Perform a high-speed reaction with reverse transcription in 10 min and a PCR extension time of 10 sec/kb
- Amplify GC-rich and long cDNA with high accuracy
- Use with a wide range of total RNA amounts

High-throughput biomarker discovery with Shasta technologies
Shasta Single Cell System
- Prevalidated applications for high-throughput single-cell whole-genome or transcriptome profiling
- Intuitive user interface for setting up custom NGS assays with just a few clicks
- Large-bore nozzle for unbiased cell isolation, even for challenging cell types such as primary cardiomyocytes
- End-to-end solution with accompanying bioinformatics analytical tools

Scale up mRNA production with low dsRNA byproducts
PrimeCap T7 RNA Polymerase (low dsRNA), HQ
- Obtain in-vitro transcribed RNA that is notably safer by reducing dsRNA byproducts by >90%
- Retain the same high yields as T7 RNA polymerase ver.2, especially when used with cap analogs such as CleanCap Reagent AG (TriLink Bio Technologies)
- Facilitate a smooth transition to large-scale manufacturing with enzymes produced following many key features of GMP guidelines
Takara Bio USA, Inc.
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FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY. NOT FOR USE IN DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES. © 2025 Takara Bio Inc. All Rights Reserved. All trademarks are the property of Takara Bio Inc. or its affiliate(s) in the U.S. and/or other countries or their respective owners. Certain trademarks may not be registered in all jurisdictions. Additional product, intellectual property, and restricted use information is available at