American Society for Microbiology
Expand your pathogen detection offerings with cutting-edge qPCR assays!
ASM Microbe gathered thousands of microbiology researchers and healthcare professionals to discuss the latest innovations and challenges in molecular diagnostics, antimicrobial resistance research, phage therapy, artificial intelligence, climate change, antimicrobial drug discovery, bioeconomy, and more. We shared a new high-throughput assay that detects elusive pathogens commonly missed by standard microbiological culture and biochemical tests.
Poster presentation
A high-throughput qPCR assay panel for rapid detection of pathogens in urinary tract infections and beyond

With this poster, Dr. Jonathan Wang presented our new high-throughput qPCR assay panel, which leverages a new computational design pipeline to produce more than 80 hydrolysis-probe-based assays. This technology significantly expands the current range of detectable pathogens to include slow-growing and difficult-to-culture pathogens that common urine tests fail to detect.
Featured technologies
High-throughput pathogen detection for UTI, STI, and wound infections with the SmartChip Real-Time PCR System
SmartChip Real-Time PCR-based assay panels offer a commercially-viable alternative to culture-based techniques for pathogen detection.
Tracking down antibiotic resistance genes in hospitals
Discover how the SmartChip system can track antibiotic-resistant bacteria in hospitals in order to help prevent outbreaks among patients and staff.
High-throughput surveillance for ARGs in environmental samples
Register to learn how the SmartChip Real-Time PCR System powers ARG surveillance in this guest webinar.
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