Product Index
Next-generation sequencing
- mRNA-seq
- Total RNA-seq
- Small RNA-seq
- Universal Low Input cDNA synthesis
- RNA-seq accessories
Legacy RNA-seq kits
- SMART-Seq Stranded for total RNA-seq
- Pico-input strand-specific total RNA-seq for mammalian samples v2
- Pico-input strand-specific total RNA-seq for mammalian samples v3
- SMART-Seq Single Cell for scRNA-seq
- SMART-Seq v4 for mRNA-seq with the Fluidigm C1
- SMARTer RNA Unique Dual Index Kits
- Other legacy kits
- DNA-seq
- Single-cell NGS automation
- Reproductive health
Bioinformatics tools
- Cogent NGS Analysis Pipeline
- Cogent NGS Discovery Software
- Cogent NGS Immune Profiler
- Cogent NGS Immune Viewer
- SMART-Seq mRNA Long Read Demultiplexing for ONT Sequencing Data
- Embgenix Analysis Software for Embgenix PGT-A Kit (RUO)
- Embgenix Analysis Software for ESM Screen Kit
- SMARTer Human scTCR Demultiplexer
- SMART-Seq DE3 Demultiplexer
- Immune profiling
- NGS accessories
Gene function
Gene editing
- Long ssDNA for knockins
- Knockin screening kit
- Genome-wide sgRNA library system
- Recombinant Cas9 protein
- GMP recombinant Cas9
- Mutation detection kits
- In vitro transcription and screening kits
- Cas9-sgRNA gesicle production
- Cas9 antibodies
- Plasmid systems
- Lentiviral systems
- AAV systems
- RNA transfection
- Genotype confirmation kit
- Indel identification kit
- Cre recombinase
Viral transduction
- Adeno-associated virus (AAV)
- Adenovirus
- Lentivirus
- Retrovirus
- Fluorescent proteins
- T-cell transduction and culture
- Tet-inducible expression systems
- ProteoTuner protein control systems
- iDimerize inducible protein interaction systems
- Transfection reagents
- Mammalian expression plasmids
- Cell biology assays
Gene editing
- Stem cell research
Protein research
- Purification products
- Two-hybrid and one-hybrid systems
- Mass spectrometry reagents
- Expression vectors & systems
- Glycobiology
- Antibodies and immunoprecipitation
- SDS-PAGE & western blotting
- Protein quantification
- Protein sequencing
- Accessory enzymes
- Most popular polymerases
- Standard PCR
- High-yield PCR
- High-fidelity PCR
- Fast PCR
- Long-range PCR
- GC rich PCR
- Direct PCR
- PCR master mixes
- Custom business friendly and automation-ready solutions
- Application-specific PCR
- Other PCR-related products
- Isothermal amplification
- In-Fusion seamless cloning
- Competent cells
- Ligation kits
- Mutagenesis kits
- Ligation enzymes
- Restriction enzymes
- Modifying enzymes
- X-Gal and IPTG
Linkers, primers, and cloning vectors
- Linkers and primers
Cloning vectors
- E. coli-yeast shuttle vectors
- Chloramphenicol-resistant pUC plasmids
- Kanamycin resistant pUC vectors
- pUC118/119 vectors
- pUC18 and pUC19 vectors
- DNA cloning vectors
- T-Vectors pMD20 and pMD19
- pPTR shuttle vectors
- M13mp18 virion DNA
- M13mp18 RF phage vector
- PhiX174 RF I DNA
- pBR322 DNA vector
- Thermus thermophilus HB8 genomic DNA
- Lambda DNA
- Plant transformation vectors
- Agarose gel electrophoresis
- Nucleic acid extraction
Nucleic acid purification
- Automated platforms
- Plasmid purification kits
- Genomic DNA purification kits
- DNA cleanup kits
- RNA purification kits
- RNA cleanup kits
- Cell-free DNA purification kits
- Viral DNA and RNA purification kits
- Microbiome
- Accessories and components
Antibodies and ELISA
Primary antibodies and ELISAs by research area
Bone research
- Bone specific alkaline phosphatase
- Collagen type 2
- Dentin matrix protein 1
- Osteocalcin (bovine)
- Osteocalcin (human)
- Osteocalcin (mouse)
- Osteocalcin (pig)
- Osteocalcin (rat)
- Osteocalcin carboxylated Gla-OC
- Osteocalcin undercarboxylated Glu-OC
- Osteonectin
- Procollagen type I C-peptide
- Tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRACP)
- Cell adhesion and ECM
- Epigenetic antibodies
- Metabolic diseases
- Signal transduction
- Stem cell research antibodies
- Virus research
- Miscellaneous research areas
Bone research
- Secondary antibodies
- Antibody and ELISA accessories
- Fluorescent protein antibodies
Primary antibodies and ELISAs by research area
- Real-time PCR
mRNA and cDNA synthesis
- In vitro transcription
- cDNA synthesis kits
- Reverse transcriptases
- RACE kits
- Purified cDNA & genomic DNA
- Purified total RNA and mRNA
- mRNA and cDNA synthesis accessories
- COVID-19 research
Nucleic acid purification
High-quality starting materials are important for the beginning of all good science. Our Macherey-Nagel products offer complete solutions for purifying nucleic acids from a wide array of sources. We can help you rapidly purify and clean up plasmids, RNA, and genomic and viral DNA/RNA from reactions, cells, and tissues. We offer products for a wide range of sample sizes, including products for high-throughput applications.
Featured link: Use our tool to select the purification kits for your application
Nucleic acid purification: product finder
Filter nucleic acid purification products by application, format, or sample type.

The better way to isolate RNA
Critical factors when purifying RNA are the complete removal of contaminating DNA (gDNA) and the immediate prevention of degradation of RNA. The NucleoSpin RNA Plus kit introduces the NucleoSpin gDNA Removal Column, a spin column which quickly and completely removes genomic DNA contamination without the need for DNase digestion. To maintain RNA integrity, cells and tissues are first lysed by incubation in a chaotropic ion lysis buffer solution, which immediately inactivates RNases.
Learn more Buy nowTakara Bio USA, Inc.
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