Disposable microhomogenizer: Takara BioMasher Standard
The Takara BioMasher Standard is a disposable microhomogenizer designed to efficiently disrupt small amounts of biological samples for nucleic acid and/or protein extraction. This system can be used for homogenization of a wide variety of tissues with or without lysis buffer.
The Takara BioMasher Standard is a disposable microhomogenizer designed to efficiently disrupt small amounts of biological samples for nucleic acid and/or protein extraction. This system can be used for homogenization of a wide variety of tissues with or without lysis buffer.
This product includes 1.5-ml microtubes and micro-stir bars. The inner walls of the tube and the tip of the stir bar are textured to allow effective disruption of samples. Both sterile (Cat. # 9791A) and nonsterile (Cat. # 9790A) versions of the Takara BioMasher Standard are available.
For homogenizing small amounts of biological samples or tissues for downstream nucleic acid and/or protein extraction
More Information
Please see the product's Certificate of Analysis for information about storage conditions, product components, and technical specifications. Please see the Kit Components List to determine kit components. Certificates of Analysis and Kit Components Lists are located under the Documents tab.

Designed for extra small samples
Purify DNA from small samples such as microdissected tissue, small blood samples, or small amounts of cells. Based on reliable silica-membrane technology, NucleoSpin Tissue XS overcomes the limitations of conventional kits using an innovative new column design with a funnel-shaped ring.
Learn more All genomic DNA kitsTakara Bio USA, Inc.
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