Plasmid purification—miniprep kits
NucleoSpin and NucleoBond purification kits give you reliable, high-quality plasmid DNA in minutes. We provide a wide range of size formats from mini- to gigapreps as well as options for high-throughput processing. If you plan to perform transfections and prefer a miniprep format try our NucleoSpin Plasmid Transfection-grade kits.
To help you choose which kit is the best choice for your application see our plasmid kit selection guide.
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Plasmid DNA purification kit selection guide
Find the right plasmid purification kit for your application.
Use the tables to learn more about the available plasmid prep kits and their specifications
Product pages for miniprep kits

Tip for a successful transfection—remove endotoxins!
Endotoxins are copurified during plasmid preparations from bacterial lysates and affect eukaryotic cell survival, ultimately leading to a lower transfection efficiency. Innovative mini-format technology reduces endotoxins in your plasmid prep, leads to more successful transfections, and simplifies your workflow.
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