Plasmid DNA purification using 96-well plates—NucleoSpin 96 Plasmid
The NucleoSpin 96 Plasmid kits are designed for purifying up to 20 µg of high-copy plasmid from 1–5 ml of E. coli overnight culture, preferably grown in LB medium. The NucleoSpin Plasmid Binding Strips/Plates contain a unique silica membrane that binds DNA in the presence of chaotropic salt. 96-well plates can be processed manually (under vacuum or by centrifugation) or using automated liquid handlers.
The NucleoSpin 96 Plasmid kits are designed for purifying up to 20 µg of high-copy plasmid from 1–5 ml of E. coli overnight culture, preferably grown in LB medium. The NucleoSpin Plasmid Binding Strips/Plates contain a unique silica membrane that binds DNA in the presence of chaotropic salt. 96-well plates can be processed manually (under vacuum or by centrifugation) or using automated liquid handlers.
Vacuum processing
The NucleoSpin 96 Plasmid kits can be used manually with the NucleoVac 96 Vacuum Manifold. Additionally, a suitable centrifuge is required for sample-preparation steps.
Centrifuge processing requires a microtiterplate centrifuge which can accommodate the NucleoSpin 96 Plasmid Plate stacked on a round- or square-well block and reaches accelerations of 5,600–6,000g (bucket height: 85 mm). For further information about suitable centrifuges, please contact Technical Support.
The NucleoSpin 96 Plasmid protocol can be fully automated on common liquid handling platforms using vacuum processing. Please contact Technical Support to confirm compatibility of the kit with your automation platform.
The NucleoSpin 96 Plasmid Core Kit includes buffers, RNase A, a NucleoSpin Plasmid Filter Plate, and a NucleoSpin Plasmid Binding plate only. Accessory components (e.g., culture plate, elution plate, MN Wash Plate, and Wash Buffer AW) are not provided in the core kits, but can be individually selected from a variety of suitable accessories. This allows the highest flexibility for the user.
- Time-saving parallel isolation of plasmid DNA
- Processes up to 5 ml of bacterial culture
- NucleoSpin 96 Filter Plate included, for convenient filtration of bacterial lysates
- Processing can be done under vacuum or by centrifugation
- Workflow can be fully automated on common liquid handling platforms
- Innovative MN Wash Plate minimizes risk of cross-contamination
- DNA ready to use for PCR, Southern blotting, any kind of enzymatic reaction
More Information
Technology | Silica membrane |
Format | 96-well plates |
Processing | Manual or automated, vacuum or centrifugation |
Lysate clarification | 96-well filter plate |
Starting material | 1–5 ml E. coli culture |
Vector size | <15 kb |
Typical yield | 4–6 µg/ml E. coli culture |
A260/280 | 1.70–1.85 |
Elution volume | 75–150 µl |
Preparation time | 45 min/plate |
Binding capacity | 20 µg |
- Southern blotting
- Any kind of enzymatic reaction
Additional product information
Please see the product's Certificate of Analysis for information about storage conditions, product components, and technical specifications. Please see the Kit Components List to determine kit components. Certificates of Analysis and Kit Components Lists are located under the Documents tab.

Tip for a successful transfection—remove endotoxins!
Endotoxins are copurified during plasmid preparations from bacterial lysates and affect eukaryotic cell survival, ultimately leading to a lower transfection efficiency. Innovative mini-format technology reduces endotoxins in your plasmid prep, leads to more successful transfections, and simplifies your workflow.
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