QuickClean Enzyme Removal Resin
QuickClean Enzyme Removal Resin is a solid-phase matrix for phenol-free removal of proteins from aqueous solutions of single- or double-stranded nucleic acids (DNA and RNA samples). QuickClean resin efficiently removes enzymes and other proteins from DNA or RNA samples in a brief vortex and spin step. No hazardous phenol extractions or time-consuming ethanol precipitations are required. The simple protocol can be performed in less than five minutes, and the resin's blue color makes it easy to remove.
QuickClean Enzyme Removal Resin is a solid-phase matrix for phenol-free removal of proteins from aqueous solutions of single- or double-stranded nucleic acids (DNA and RNA samples). QuickClean resin efficiently removes enzymes and other proteins from DNA or RNA samples in a brief vortex and spin step. No hazardous phenol extractions or time-consuming ethanol precipitations are required. The simple protocol can be performed in less than five minutes, and the resin's blue color makes it easy to remove.
QuickClean Enzyme Removal Resin may be used to remove restriction enzymes, ligases, Taq DNA polymerase, RNase, and DNase after reactions with DNA or RNA to prevent those enzymes from interfering with subsequent manipulations. The resin can also be used to deproteinize DNA and RNA before electrophoresis on agarose gels. This will improve the resolution and clarity of bands when preparing for blot hybridization. If bands are to be cut out of the gel, deproteinization before electrophoresis will eliminate enzymes that may comigrate with the DNA fragments and coelute from the gel slices.
- Phenol-free protein removal from aqueous DNA and RNA solutions
- Rapid protocol takes less than five minutes
- Blue color of resin makes it easy to remove
More Information
- Removal of enzymes from DNA and RNA reaction mixtures after completion, to prevent interference with downstream applications
- Deproteinization of DNA and RNA before agarose gel electrophoresis in order to:
- Improve band resolution and clarity when preparing for blot hybridization
- Eliminate comigrating proteins that co-elute with gel slices prior to gel extraction
Additional product information
Please see the product's Certificate of Analysis for information about storage conditions, product components, and technical specifications. Please see the Kit Components List to determine kit components. Certificates of Analysis and Kit Components Lists are located under the Documents tab.

DNA cleanup: two applications in one kit
The NucleoSpin Gel and PCR Clean-Up procedure is the easiest way to purify DNA fragments from agarose gels or PCR reactions. The kit includes one buffer for both applications, which contains a pH indicator that displays the correct pH for optimal kit performance. The purification procedure for samples from enzymatic reactions (e.g., PCR) allows fast and easy removal of enzymes, nucleotides, salts, and other impurities.
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Applications and conditions
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Shipping, storage, and handling
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Avoid DNA contamination in PCR
There are many ways a PCR experiment can go wrong. Use this guide to prevent common PCR problems.
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