Extracting DNA from food samples is not trivial because foods are highly heterogeneous and contain many different compounds, including fat, polysaccharides, and other item-specific chemistries that can lead to suboptimal extraction or inhibition of downstream DNA applications. Our NucleoSpin Food kits enable great recovery of even small fragments (< 1 kb) of genomic DNA out of processed, complex food matrices (e.g., ketchup or spices), which generally have very low DNA content as well as poor-quality, degraded DNA.
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Designed for extra small samples
Purify DNA from small samples such as microdissected tissue, small blood samples, or small amounts of cells. Based on reliable silica-membrane technology, NucleoSpin Tissue XS overcomes the limitations of conventional kits using an innovative new column design with a funnel-shaped ring.
Learn more All genomic DNA kitsTakara Bio USA, Inc.
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