SMARTer universal low input RNA kit—cDNA synthesis for NGS from degraded samples
The SMARTer Universal Low Input RNA Kit for Sequencing provides a simple and efficient solution for generating cDNA from very low amounts of input RNA that is compromised, has a low RIN value, and/or lacks a poly(A) tail. The kit was specifically designed for RNA-Seq applications involving FFPE or laser-captured samples, and works with as little as 200 pg and up to 10 ng of rRNA-depleted material. It outperforms existing methods in terms of gene-body coverage, data reproducibility, read mappability, and ERCC correlation. For upstream rRNA removal from 10-100 ng of input total RNA, we recommend the RiboGone - Mammalian kit.
cDNA produced with this kit is compatible with low-input NGS library preparation kits, including those for Illumina and Ion Torrent.
- Sensitivity for analysis of low-input samples—works with 200 pg to 10 ng of rRNA-depleted input (derived from 2–100 ng of total RNA)
- Efficient results from compromised samples—an ideal solution for FFPE samples
- High quality RNA-seq data—consistent RNA-seq data across the recommended input range (200 pg–10 ng)
- Mappability >80%
- Reproducibility >0.98
- ERCC correlation >0.99
- Number of genes >15,000
- Kit includes both RT and PCR enzymes
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More Information
- Generate cDNA for RNA-seq from very low amounts of RNA (200 pg–10 ng) that:
- Is compromised (e.g., obtained from FFPE or LCM samples)
- Has low RIN values (<8)
- Is not polyadenylated
Additional product information
Please see the product's Certificate of Analysis for information about storage conditions, product components, and technical specifications. Please see the Kit Components List to determine kit components. Certificates of Analysis and Kit Components Lists are located under the Documents tab.
Takara Bio USA, Inc.
United States/Canada: +1.800.662.2566 • Asia Pacific: +1.650.919.7300 • Europe: +33.(0)1.3904.6880 • Japan: +81.(0)77.565.6999
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