Helper virus-free preparation of AAV particles to deliver Cre recombinase
AAVpro Helper Free Systems (AAV-CRE Recombinase) are kits for the preparation of adeno-associated virus (AAV) particles to deliver a Cre recombinase gene cassette to mammalian cells. Cre recombinase is a bacterial protein that recognizes a specific 34-bp sequence (loxP site) containing an 8-bp core sequence where recombination takes place. The orientation and location of introduced loxP sites allow for Cre-mediated gene inversion, translocation, or deletion.
AAVpro Helper Free Systems (AAV-CRE Recombinase) are kits for the preparation of adeno-associated virus (AAV) particles to deliver a Cre recombinase gene cassette to mammalian cells. Cre recombinase is a bacterial protein that recognizes a specific 34-bp sequence (loxP site) containing an 8-bp core sequence where recombination takes place. The orientation and location of introduced loxP sites allow for Cre-mediated gene inversion, translocation, or deletion. With these kits, high-titer AAV particles can be prepared without a helper virus by simply transfecting AAVpro 293T cells with the three included plasmids that encode all of the factors necessary to prepare recombinant AAV particles. AAV Extraction Solution is also included for efficient AAV particle isolation.
- Helper virus-free preparation of high-titer AAV particles encoding the Cre recombinase gene under the control of the CMV promoter
- Enables delivery of the Cre recombinase gene to hard-to-transfect mammalian cells, including proliferating and non-proliferating cells
- Cre recombinase mediates recombination between loxP sites, allowing gene inversion, translocation, or deletion
More Information
- Genome editing of target cells containing a floxed DNA sequence
- Transgenic mouse applications
Additional product information
Please see the product's Certificate of Analysis for information about storage conditions, product components, and technical specifications. Please see the Kit Components List to determine kit components. Certificates of Analysis and Kit Components Lists are located under the Documents tab.

Efficient delivery of Cre recombinase using cell-derived nanovesicles
Cre Recombinase Gesicles are cell-derived nanovesicles that deliver active Cre recombinase protein directly to your target cells. Simpler to use than either plasmid or viral gene delivery, these gesicles allow you to quickly and efficiently flox a broad range of cell types on demand.
See the data CRISPR/Cas9 gesicles overviewTakara Bio USA, Inc.
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