Plant and fungal RNA isolation
NucleoSpin RNA Plant is designed for isolation of DNA-free, high-quality RNA from a wide variety of plant and fungal samples. The procedure results in removal of contaminating DNA by efficient on-the-column rDNase digestion during the purification process.
NucleoSpin RNA Plant and Fungi is a specialized kit for more-challenging plant and fungal samples. It is ideal for extracting RNA from samples rich in secondary metabolites, sugar, starch, or other compounds that interfere with nucleic acid purification methods. The kit enables RNA isolation from diverse plant organs like seeds, roots, stems, needles, etc.
Featured product
Mini spin kit for isolation and purification of total RNA from plants—NucleoSpin RNA Plant
Kit designed for the rapid isolation of genomic DNA from plant cells and tissues, with higher yield and quality.
Two alternative lysis buffers included—optimized lysis procedure
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Universal reagent for RNA isolation
NucleoZOL is a highly efficient RNA isolation reagent for extracting high-quality miRNA and total RNA from a variety of starting materials, including cells, tissues, and liquids of human or animal origin, as well as plants, yeast, bacteria, viruses, and other sources.
See the data RNA purification kitsTakara Bio USA, Inc.
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