Antibiotic selection markers and plasmids
Linear selection markers are ideal for cotransfection with any expression vector where stable integration and expression are required. We offer linear selection markers for either hygromycin (Linear Hygromycin Marker) or puromycin (Linear Puromycin Marker) resistance. These markers are short, purified linear DNA fragments comprised of the marker gene, an SV40 promoter, and the SV40 polyadenylation signal.
Linear selection markers are ideal for cotransfection with any expression vector where stable integration and expression are required. We offer linear selection markers for either hygromycin (Linear Hygromycin Marker) or puromycin (Linear Puromycin Marker) resistance. These markers are short, purified linear DNA fragments comprised of the marker gene, an SV40 promoter, and the SV40 polyadenylation signal.
Cotransfection of a linear selection marker achieves a higher number of positive clones than using either a single response vector containing a selection marker or cotransfecting with a circular selection marker. Linear selection markers are cotransfected at a decreased ratio relative to the expression vector (i.e., 20-fold less of the linear marker).
The pTK-Hyg Vector and the pPur Vector may be used to select for stably transformed mammalian cells using hygromycin and puromycin, respectively. When cotransfected with pTRE2 or a pBI vector, pTK-Hyg is especially useful for selecting double-stable Tet-On or Tet-Off Cell Lines. When integrated into the host cell’s genome, pTK-Hyg does not cause unwanted activation of pTRE- and pBI-derived plasmids because the HSV TK promoter lacks an enhancer element.
- Both the linear selection markers and the pTK-Hyg Vector and pPur Vector may be used in cotransfections to establish stable cell lines
- Linear selection markers require you to screen fewer clones, resulting in more positive clones than when circular plasmid markers are used
- Linear selection markers are ideal for use with all Takara Bio's Tet-On and Tet-Off Inducible Expression Systems—screen fewer candidates and find more highly inducible clones
More Information
- Use the Linear Hygromycin Marker or the pTK-Hyg Vector in cotransfections to establish stable cell lines using hygromycin
- Use the Linear Puromycin Marker or the pPur Vector in cotransfections to establish stable cell lines using puromycin
Additional product information
Please see the product’s Certificate of Analysis for information about storage conditions, product components, and technical specifications. Please see the Kit Components List to determine kit components. Certificates of Analysis and Kit Components Lists are located under the Documents tab.
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