Takara Bio wins a Crabby!

We may not have any Emmys or Grammys on display at Takara Bio USA Headquarters, but we are pleased to say that we now have a Crabby! This glass Crabby was awarded to Tom Quinn, a group leader in our R&D team, for presenting an outstanding poster at the ISBioTech Spring 2023 meeting.
Tom’s poster was about our soon-to-be-launched baculovirus titration assay. This new assay, built on our GoStix technology, is designed to obtain Baculovirus titer values in just 10 minutes! At the ISBioTech meeting, vaccine makers were excited to save time using this upcoming product.
Are you interested in learning more about our baculovirus titration kits? If so, sign up for our early access program. Additionally, come see us at the World Vaccine Congress in Washington, DC. Two experts from our teams, Yuiko Matsumoto and Merrit Savener, will be presenting this poster at this meeting and can answer any questions you may have.
We would like to thank the ISBioTech organizers for the honor of the award. Congratulations to Tom and his coauthors on the poster: Research Associates Lily Lee and Mei Fong, Senior Scientist Yi Zhao, Director of R&D Cell Biology Michael Haugwitz, and Head of R&D Andrew Farmer.
Download a copy of the poster to see how our GoStix for baculovirus compared to other baculoviral titration methods.
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