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Product overview
NucleoMag 384 Plant
Efficient isolation of plant genomic DNA from up to 30 mg of input material per sample
Optimized for high-throughput processing in an automation-friendly, 384-well format
Suitable for a wide variety of plant species
Purified DNA is ready for downstream applications such as qPCR and NGS
The NucleoMag 384 Plant kit leverages the scalability of magnetic beads to enable automated isolation of genomic DNA from 384 plant samples in parallel. The kit protocol accomodates up to 30 mg of input material per prep and is designed to overcome challenges commonly associated with DNA extraction from plant tissues, including the release of polyphenolic compounds and complex polysaccharides. The kit has been used successfully to process samples from a wide array of species, including maize, rapeseed, soy, wheat, tobacco, and oil palm.
The NucleoMag family of products is based on magnetic bead technology. Nucleic acids are bound to the magnetic beads under chaotropic salt conditions, contaminants are washed away with ethanolic wash buffers, and pure DNA and/or RNA are eluted from the beads using elution buffer.
Figure 1. NucleoMag magnetic bead technology. NucleoMag beads and binding buffer are added to the sample (left). Beads bound to DNA/RNA are held in place in the well by the magnet, and contaminants are washed away (middle). DNA/RNA is eluted while the beads are held in place by the magnet (right).
Figure 2. NucleoMag 384 Plant procedure.
Application data
Figure 3. Reliable recovery of genomic DNA from various plant species. For each plant species indicated, genomic DNA was isolated from 30 mg of fresh leaf material using the NucleoMag 384 Plant kit. Total DNA yields were determined by UV spectrometry (dark blue bars), and qPCR analysis was performed with a Taqman probe for a 103-bp actin amplicon, using the SensiFast Probe Lo-ROX kit from Bioline on an Applied Biosystems 7500 Real-Time PCR System (orange squares). As indicated by the data, high-throughput processing of the various sample materials provided sufficient yields for downstream analysis for all sample types tested.