Suitable for any stool sample—high-quality DNA from the stool of carnivores, omnivores, and herbivores
Includes MN Tubes for efficient lysis—compatible with most common disruption devices
NucleoSpin Inhibitor Removal Columns ensure superior DNA purity
NucleoSpin DNA Stool is a kit for purification of genomic DNA from bacterial and epithelial cells found in stool samples. The isolated DNA is used for analysis of the microbiome or genotyping of the donor.
Silica membrane technology combined with MN Bead Tubes Type A
Mini spin columns
Starting material
Approximately 200 mg (180–220 mg)* stool samples (fresh or frozen)
Fragment size
200 bp–approximately 50 kb
Typical yield
Depends on sample type, quality, and water content
Elution volume
30–100 µl
Preparation time
60 min/10 preps
Binding capacity
50 µg
*For human stool samples, approximately 200 mg should be used. For animal stool samples, depending on the species, a smaller amount of sample material may be required for optimal results.
Application data
High genomic DNA yield and purity from human stool samples
Figure 1. NucleoSpin DNA Stool provides higher quality DNA and better yields than competitor kits. DNA was isolated from human stool samples with the NucleoSpin DNA Stool kit or with competitor products (MO, Z, Q). Panel A. DNA was extracted according to manufacturers' protocols, and 5% of the eluates were subjected to gel electrophoresis. Panel B. The yield and quality of the DNA isolated from the samples shown in Panel A were assessed using UV absorption measurements. The genomic DNA isolated with the NucleoSpin DNA Stool kit showed superior yields and quality.
Efficient removal of PCR inhibitors from various sample sources
Figure 2. PCR inhibitors were efficiently removed from stool samples derived from different species using NucleoSpin DNA Stool. DNA was isolated from human and animal feces samples with the NucleoSpin DNA Stool kit. 5 μl of undiluted eluate served as the template for the amplification of a 1.5-kb fragment from the bacterial 16S rRNA gene in an end-point PCR reaction (35 cycles). This fragment was successfully amplified from the undiluted DNA extracted from the various sample sources using the NucleoSpin DNA Stool kit, indicating the successful removal of PCR inhibitors. Lane 1. GeneRuler 1 kb DNA Ladder (Thermo Fisher Scientific). Lane 2. Feline. Lane 3. Sheep. Lane 4. Rabbit. Lane 5. Mouse. Lane 6. Human.
The NucleoSpin DNA Stool kit utilizes MN Bead Tubes Type A (ceramic beads; included in kit) in combination with a common disruption device, e.g., an MN Bead Tube Holder, or a swing mill to lyse different cell types and tissues within a single procedure. Alternative MN Bead Tubes can be ordered separately if needed. NucleoSpin Inhibitor Removal Columns are included for the convenient elimination of contaminants.
Figure 3. The NucleoSpin DNA Stool procedure. Samples can be disrupted using MN Bead Tubes and an MN Bead Tube Holder, or common disruption devices such as a swing mill (see user manuals for details on MN Bead Tube processing and procedures).
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