Parallel DNA, RNA, and protein isolation
Learn how to isolate RNA, DNA, and protein simultaneously without splitting the sample prior to extraction.

Co-purify RNA, DNA, and protein from one sample
Simultaneous RNA, DNA, and protein extraction from the same experimental sample is becoming increasingly important for researchers studying gene regulation mechanisms, such as siRNA-mediated mRNA knockdown. Usually, different aliquots of sample are used to isolate nucleic acids and protein, but this is difficult when working with small, rare, or precious samples. Additionally, this type of processing necessitates proof of sample equality to ensure the data is reliable. These issues can be solved by parallel isolation of RNA, DNA, and protein from unsplit samples using the NucleoSpin TriPrep kit.
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NucleoSpin RNA/Protein application data
This product overview describes the use of the NucleoSpin RNA/Protein kit for the concurrent isolation of RNA and total cellular protein from undivided samples in one working procedure. Protein and RNA are obtained in separate fractions. This kit is especially valuable for unique, small, and precious samples. Isolated RNA is suitable for all common downstream applications and is of comparable high quality to RNA isolated with the proven NucleoSpin RNA kit. Isolated protein is immediately suitable for SDS-PAGE and Western blot analysis.
Learn more Other RNA purification kitsTakara Bio USA, Inc.
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