RNA purification kits
Follow the links below for articles and data for a range of RNA purification products or go directly to the RNA purification kit product pages for order information and documents.
RNA purification articles
RNA purification overview
RNA purification from a variety of sample types, from plants to rats or blood to FFPE samples.
RNA purification kit finder
Use the tool to select the approriate RNA purification product for your application.
NucleoSpin RNA Plus
Miniprep kit that rapidly and efficiently removes genomic DNA without the need for DNase.
NucleoSpin RNA Plus XS
Rapid total RNA isolation from extra small samples down to single cells.
NucleoSpin RNA
The NucleoSpin RNA kit eliminates genomic DNA contamination, unlike a leading competitor kit, with similar yields of total RNA.
NucleoProtect RNA
NucleoProtect RNA efficiently stabilizes RNA in samples before and after RNA isolation.
NucleoSpin miRNA
Rapidly isolate small RNA, large RNA, and protein in separate fractions without phenol/chloroform.
NucleoSpin RNA Blood
High-quality total RNA purification from whole blood with a choice of convenient, high-yield kits.
NucleoSpin miRNA Plasma
Efficient isolation of small RNA from plasma or serum samples.
NucleoZOL provides several advantages over a leading competitor "Zol" for rapid miRNA and total RNA isolation.
NucleoSpin RNA Plant and Fungi
High-quality RNA from plant and fungal samples rich in secondary metabolites, sugar, starch, or other inhibitory compounds.

High-throughput RNA isolation from FFPE samples
Access a protocol for high-throughput RNA isolation from FFPE samples using the NucleoMag DNA FFPE kit.
Access protocol
The better way to isolate RNA
Critical factors when purifying RNA are the complete removal of contaminating DNA (gDNA) and the immediate prevention of degradation of RNA. The NucleoSpin RNA Plus kit introduces the NucleoSpin gDNA Removal Column, a spin column which quickly and completely removes genomic DNA contamination without the need for DNase digestion. To maintain RNA integrity, cells and tissues are first lysed by incubation in a chaotropic ion lysis buffer solution, which immediately inactivates RNases.
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