Takara Bio Europe AB partners with Boston IVF Fertility Clinic for the derivation of clinical-grade hES cell lines
We are pleased to announce a partnership between Takara Bio Europe AB (TBEAB) and the Boston IVF Fertility Clinic (Boston IVF), headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. This partnership gives TBEAB access to discarded starting material for the derivation of clinical-grade hES cell lines for cell therapy research. It also allows Boston IVF and the donor couples the opportunity to make compassionate use of surplus material that would otherwise be discarded. In a recent press release, Denny Sakkas, CSO at Boston IVF, said, “While our main focus is on reproductive medicine and our world-renowned infertility treatment services, we also want to facilitate research that can help patients suffering from chronic or untreatable conditions. We are excited to continue to work with TBEAB and help them to support innovative cell therapy researchers across the world.”
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