CRISPR-mediated engineering of mouse knockins was performed using the workflow described by the following figure:
User-generated protocol
Mouse genome engineering made simple: ex vivo RNP-ssDNA microinjection protocol for precise editing
- Long ssDNA is used as a homology-directed repair (HDR) template for mouse genome engineering
- ssDNA templates prepared with the kit can be used directly in the microinjection mixture
- A high accuracy of gene knockins can be achieved with this protocol
Featured product: Guide-it Long ssDNA Production System
The development and refinement of CRISPR genome editing technology have provided researchers with a more efficient, streamlined, and faster approach for generating knockin mouse models as compared to classical gene targeting. The following protocol, generously provided by Dr. Benedikt Wefers, Laboratory Head at the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), employs ex vivo microinjection of Cas9-guide RNA (crRNA:tracrRNA duplex) ribonucleoproteins (RNPs) in tandem with long ssDNA templates for homology-directed repair (HDR) into mouse zygotes. Using this approach, Dr. Wefers and colleagues were able to achieve efficient insertion of a fluorescent protein in frame to an endogenous gene, as demonstrated by the corresponding application data.
- Microinjection buffer (T10 E0.1 buffer) (10 mM Tris-HCl and 0.1 mM EDTA prepared with sterile filtered, embryo-tested water; e.g., Millipore Sigma, Cat. # W1503)
- Target-specific crRNA and tracrRNA (each stock 100 µM, suspended in microinjection buffer [T10 E0.1 buffer]; alternatively, in vitro-transcribed or synthesized single-guide RNA [sgRNA] can be used)
- SpCas9 protein (1 µg/µl working stock diluted in SpCas9 dilution buffer and stored at –20°C)
- SpCas9 dilution buffer (300 mM NaCl, 10 mM Tris-HCl, 1 mM DTT, 0.1 mM EDTA, 500 µg/ml BSA, and 50% glycerol prepared in embryo-tested water, pH 7.4 at 25°C) (NEB, Cat. # B8002S)
- Single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) HDR template generated using the Guide-it Long ssDNA Production System (Cat. # 632644)
- Urea-containing loading dye (e.g., Novex TBE-Urea Sample Buffer (2X), Thermo Fisher, Cat. # LC6876)
- Centrifugal filters (low-protein-binding PVDF membrane; e.g., Ultrafree-MC Centrifugal Filter, Millipore Sigma, Cat. # UFC30VV25)
- Certified sterile, nuclease-free 0.5-ml microcentrifuge tubes (e.g., Eppendorf Snap-Cap Microcentrifuge Biopur Safe-Lock Tubes, Thermo Fisher, Cat. # 022600001)
- Materials needed for microinjection and embryo transfer (please see Wefers et al. 2017 for details)
This protocol is for the generation of transgenic knockin mice containing a fluorescent protein in frame with an endogenous gene separated by a P2A signal. Gene editing was performed on one-day-old mouse zygotes via microinjection of the RNP complex together with a 1,200-nt long ssDNA HDR template encoding the insert sequence (~800 nt) flanked on either side by homology arms of ~200 nt.
Preparation of editing reagents
- Preparation of ssDNA HDR template
- Preparation of dsDNA substrate by PCR
The dsDNA substrate was generated by PCR using a forward and a reverse primer complementary to the donor template. The reverse primer was designed with a 5' phosphorylation allowing for the generation of the ssDNA encoding the sense strand in the next step.
PCR reaction: Cycling conditions: 50 µl PrimeSTAR Max Premix (2X) 98°C 10 sec
40 cycles40 ng Template DNA (encoding for HDR template) 55°C 5 sec 2 µl Forward primer 72°C 15 sec 2 µl Reverse primer (5' phosphorylated) X µl RNase-Free Water 100 µl Total volume The specificity and yield of the PCR product were confirmed by agarose gel electrophoresis prior to further processing (Figure 2, Panel A). The PCR product was column purified, yielding approximately 10.7 µg of dsDNA.
- Generation of ssDNA
To generate ssDNA, the PCR product obtained in the previous step was subjected to two short, consecutive strandase reactions (Strandase A and Strandase B) to yield ssDNA as specified by the kit protocol, using the conditions indicated below.
Strandase A reaction: Incubate as follows: 10 µg dsDNA substrate 37°C 6 min (5 min/kb)
80°C 5 min
4°C until next step5 µl Strandase A Buffer (10X) 5 µl Strandase Mix A X µl RNAase-Free Water 50 µl Total volume Strandase B reaction (processing Strandase A reaction mixture): Incubate as follows: 50 µl Strandase A reaction mixture 37°C 6 min (5 min/kb)
80°C 5 min
4°C until next step50 µl Strandase B Buffer (2X) 1 µl Strandase Mix B 101 µl Total volume The ssDNA generated from the Strandase B reaction above was purified using the NucleoSpin Gel and PCR Clean-Up kit (supplied with the ssDNA kit) and eluted in 30 µl of the microinjection buffer (in substitution of the standard NE buffer provided by the kit). The ssDNA concentration was measured by NanoDrop spectrophotometry (1 OD260 = 33 ng/µl) and was approximately 66 ng/µl (total yield of ~2 µg).
NOTE: The ssDNA is eluted directly from the DNA purification column using microinjection buffer, allowing the direct use of the ssDNA for microinjection after purification.
- Quality control of ssDNA template
Following purification of the strandase reactions, the successful production of ssDNA HDR templates was confirmed via two different methods:
Agarose gel electrophoresis:
Strandase products were treated with urea-containing loading dye at 95°C for 5 min to eliminate secondary structures prior to electrophoresis and were run side-by-side with corresponding undigested dsDNA PCR products for size comparison purposes on a 1.5% TAE agarose gel using 0.005% (v/v) SERVA HiSens Stain G (Figure 2, Panel B, below).
Sanger sequencing:
To confirm that the strandase treatment did not result in truncation of the generated ssDNA and that there was no trace of dsDNA, three independent sequencing reactions were performed with different annealing primers:
- The reverse primer used in the PCR (Section 1.A) to sequence the end of the right homology arm (the sequencing would fail if the right arm is truncated)
- Internal reverse primer running upstream to the PCR forward primer to sequence the end of the left homology arm
- Internal forward primer running downstream and complementary to the antisense strand which should fail if there is no trace of dsDNA
The sequencing results indicated that there was no obvious size reduction or presence of dsDNA (data not shown).
- Preparation of dsDNA substrate by PCR
- Preparation of microinjection aliquots containing the editing reagents
Aliquots of the microinjection reagents (containing the editing components) can be prepared beforehand and stored at –80°C until use. One injection capillary (filled with 3 µl of the microinjection mix) can be used to inject >100 embryos at once; however, sometimes capillaries break or get clogged. Therefore, it is advisable to prepare single-use, 10-µl aliquots of the reagents to have enough to fill two new capillaries for each session of microinjections.
NOTE: Pronuclear injection efficiency is variable from day to day (due to the yield of embryo collection, implantation of embryos in fosters, number of pups born, etc.). Therefore, it is advisable to inject on several days to ensure a sufficient number of pups (and consequently pups carrying the desired edit). Since identical microinjection aliquots are used on 2–3 different injection days, the aliquot mix might be scaled up by 2–3 fold and frozen in 10-µl single-use aliquots. This will reduce variation between the aliquots and their degradation due to repeated freeze/thaw cycles.
- Preparation of crRNA:tracrRNA mix
- Combine the following in a sterile, nuclease-free microcentrifuge tube:
- 1 µl crRNA (10 µM)
- 1 µl tracrRNA (10 µM)
- 8 µl microinjection buffer
- Incubate the crRNA:tracrRNA mix in a thermal cycler running the following program:
- 95°C 5 min
- Cool to 25°C (decrease temperature at a rate of –5°C/min)
- Store mix on ice until use.
- Combine the following in a sterile, nuclease-free microcentrifuge tube:
- Preparation of pronuclear injection (PNI) aliquot mix
- Prepare a 10-µl aliquot of microinjection mix for each PNI day/session in a sterile, nuclease-free microcentrifuge tube as shown below, and incubate the mixture at RT for 15 min.
NOTE: Scale up according to the total number of PNI day/sessions as explained in the previous section.
Reagent Volume per aliquot Concentration (stock) Concentration (final) crRNA:tracrRNA mix (previous section) 0.6 µl 10 µM 0.6 µM SpCas9 protein 0.3 µl 1 µg/µl (6.1 µM) 30 ng/µl (0.2 µM) Microinjection buffer (T10E0.1) 9.1 – X µl* – –
*The amount of microinjection buffer (T10E0.1) included per aliquot varies depending on the volume of ssDNA template (X) added following the 15-min incubation (Step 2, below).
- After incubation, add X µl of ssDNA (or single-stranded donor oligonucleotides, ssODN) template per 10 µl aliquot to obtain a final concentration of 10 ng/µl. For example, in the case of an ssDNA with a stock concentration of 66 ng/µl, add 1.5 µl of ssDNA and 7.6 µl of microinjection buffer.
NOTE: If an ssODN (<200 nt) is injected, its final concentration must be 25 ng/µl.
- Filter the PNI aliquot mix using a centrifugal filter for 2 min at 12,000g.
- Transfer 10-µl aliquots of PNI mix into separate 0.5-ml microcentrifuge tubes.
- Store aliquots at –80°C until the day of injection.
- Prepare a 10-µl aliquot of microinjection mix for each PNI day/session in a sterile, nuclease-free microcentrifuge tube as shown below, and incubate the mixture at RT for 15 min.
- Preparation of crRNA:tracrRNA mix
- Microinjection and implantation of mouse embryos
On the day of injection:
- Thaw PNI aliquots on ice.
- Spin the aliquots for 5 min at 20,000g.
- Transfer 9.5 µl of supernatant from each aliquot to a fresh, nuclease-free 0.5-ml microcentrifuge tube.
- Keep isolated supernatant from PNI aliquot on ice until injection.
For the exact procedure of the microinjection and implantation of mouse embryos, please follow the protocol explained in Wefers et al. 2017.
Seven weeks after microinjection and implantation of the embryos, genotyping was performed on the F0 founders via both PCR analysis and Sanger sequencing of the genomic target region.
The first round of genotyping consisted of three independent PCR reactions (Figure 3, Panel A) designed to amplify the junctions between the targeted sequence and insert (Out-In/Fw 1-Rev 1 and In-Out/Fw 2-Rev 2) as well as the whole insert sequence (In-In/Fw 2-Rev 1). The correct band amplification in all three PCR reactions confirms the presence of the insert and its correct orientation.
Figure 3, Panel B shows a representative agarose gel of samples analyzed using the primer pair Out-In/Fw 1-Rev 1. The analysis identified founders carrying full-length insertions at the correct genomic locus and in the correct orientation (Founders 2, 4, and 6) as well as other founders carrying truncated inserts (Founders 1 and 3).
From the positive samples (F0 mice) identified from the first PCR, a second round of PCR genotyping was performed using the primer set Fw 1-Rev 2 (Out-Out). These primers anneal outside the homology arms and help confirm whether the entire insert sequence was incorporated successfully without any truncations or duplications. A representative agarose gel of samples analyzed using this primer pair Out-Out/Fw 1-Rev 2 is presented below (Figure 3, Panel C).
Samples that tested positive for successful integration of the insert were then confirmed by Sanger sequencing of both the 5' and 3' junctions. The final genotyping results are shown in Table I. Overall, 48% of the pups were born with a knockin and from this subpopulation, 70% had a correct insertion of the sequence encoding for the fluorescent protein.
Total # of pups born | # of pups positive for insertion | # of pups carrying complete insert |
21 | 10* (48% of total) | 7 (33% of total) |
Table I. Summary of the genotyping analysis of F0. *One of the knockins involved concatemerization of the insert, and the other two involved a truncation.
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