Cellartis 3i mES/iPSC Culture Medium: maintenance of mouse ES cells
Cellartis 3i mES/iPSC Culture Medium is a serum-free, defined cell culture medium for the establishment, maintenance, and propagation of mouse embryonic stem (mES) cell lines. This medium contains three selective small molecule inhibitors (3i technology: ERK/MEK inhibitor, GSK3β inhibitor, and FGFR-TK inhibitor) that act to eliminate differentiation-inducing signals and promote cell proliferation, enabling the maintenance of the pluripotent ground state without the need for additional stimulatory cytokines. Therefore, Cellartis 3i mES/iPSC Culture Medium can be used to study the molecular mechanism of pluripotency.
Cellartis 3i mES/iPSC Culture Medium is a serum-free, defined cell culture medium for the establishment, maintenance, and propagation of mouse embryonic stem (mES) cell lines. This medium contains three selective small molecule inhibitors (3i technology: ERK/MEK inhibitor, GSK3β inhibitor, and FGFR-TK inhibitor) that act to eliminate differentiation-inducing signals and promote cell proliferation, enabling the maintenance of the pluripotent ground state without the need for additional stimulatory cytokines. Therefore, Cellartis 3i mES/iPSC Culture Medium can be used to study the molecular mechanism of pluripotency.
Cellartis 3i mES/iPSC Culture Medium can also be used to establish mES lines from mouse strains that have proven refractory to mES cell derivation under standard conditions (Ying et al. 2008). mES cells cultured in Cellartis 3i mES/iPSC Culture Medium continually expand at a doubling rate that is comparable to that of cells cultured in the presence of Leukemia Inhibitory Factor (LIF) plus serum or in Bone Morphogenetic Protein (BMP) (Ying et al. 2008; Kiyonari et al. 2010; Iijima et al. 2010). In addition, cells cultured in Cellartis 3i mES/iPSC Culture Medium exhibit higher clonogenicity of pluripotent colonies than cells in LIF + serum or BMP conditions.
Completely defined, serum-free, feeder-free, and cytokine-free formulation
Uses selective small molecule inhibitors to block differentiation signals and maintain mouse ES cells in a pluripotent state
Helps maintain and propagate mouse ES cells at ≥99% purity
More Information
Maintaining mouse ES cells in a pluripotent state
Deriving mouse ES cell lines from non-permissive mouse strains
- Efficiently producing fully ES-cell-derived mice for mouse line establishment
1 bottle (200 ml) of Cellartis mES/iPSC Culture Basal Medium
1 tube (200 µl) of Cellartis 3i mES/iPSC Supplement
Ying, Q. L. et al. The ground state of embryonic stem cell self-renewal. Nature 453, 519–23 (2008).
Kiyonari, H. et al. Three inhibitors of FGF receptor, ERK, and GSK3 establishes germline-competent embryonic stem cells of C57BL/6N mouse strain with high efficiency and stability. Genesis 48, 317–327 (2010).
Iijima, S. et al. Effect of different culture conditions on establishment of embryonic stem cells from BALB/cAJ and NZB/BINJ mice. Cell Reprogram. 12, 679–688 (2010).
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Please see the product's Certificate of Analysis for information about storage conditions, product components, and technical specifications. Please see the Kit Components List to determine kit components. Certificates of Analysis and Kit Components Lists are located under the Documents tab.
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