Webinar series: concentrated premade lentiviral particles
Ready-to-use lentiviral particles
Recorded webinar
Gene delivery made easy: an introduction to high-quality, premade lentiviral particles
Topics include:
- Considerations for producing the highest quality lentiviral particles
- A state-of-the-art lentiviral production platform
- The benefit of using high-purity, high-concentration lentiviral particles
- Using lentiviral particles for tet-inducible gene expression and subcellular localization studies

Lentiviral particles from Flash Therapeutics
Frequently asked questions related to our super-concentrated and highly purified ready-made lentiviral particles: How are they made? What makes them unique? How are they used?
FAQs Expression plasmids for lentiviral particlesTakara Bio USA, Inc.
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