RNA-seq technical notes
To address the needs of our customers, Takara Bio has developed products for a wide array of RNA sequencing applications. Included below are technical notes which describe the features and benefits of many of our RNA-seq products and demonstrate their suitablity and performance for various research applications. Choose from the list below to learn more about our innovative solutions.
Enabling long-read RNA sequencing from low-input samples
Facilitating the discovery of complex isoforms and novel structural variants from 10 pg–100 ng of total RNA
All-in-one cDNA synthesis and library prep from single cells
High-quality, full-length RNA-seq libraries from single cells (e.g., PBMCs) and nuclei.
Automation-friendly, all-in-one cDNA synthesis and library prep
Automated high-quality, full-length RNA-seq library prep from 1–100 cells or 10 pg–1 ng of total RNA.
All-in-one cDNA synthesis and library prep from ultra-low RNA inputs
High-quality, full-length RNA-seq libraries from ultra-low inputs (up to 1,000 cells or 10 pg–10 ng of total RNA).
3' mRNA libraries from single cells (SMART-Seq v4 3' DE Kit)
RNA-seq data that focuses on transcript 3' ends for differential expression analysis.
Full-length mRNA-seq for target capture
Detect gene fusions and other rare variants using fewer sequencing reads.
Stranded libraries from single cells
High-quality, full-length RNA-seq libraries from single-cells with strand-of-origin information.
Stranded libraries from picogram-input total RNA (v3)
Stranded cDNA libraries from 10–1,000 cells or 250 pg–10 ng inputs of mammalian total RNA.
Stranded libraries from 100 pg-100 ng total RNA
Stranded cDNA libraries from 10 ng–100 ng of mammalian total RNA.
Stranded libraries from 100 ng - 1 ug total RNA
Stranded cDNA libraries from 100 ng–1 μg of mammalian total RNA.
Stranded libraries from FFPE inputs (v2)
Generate stranded libraries from FFPE samples.
Nonstranded libraries from FFPE inputs
Generate non-stranded libraries from FFPE samples.
Singular and Takara Bio library prep
Full-length RNA-seq is performed using Takara Bio's SMART-Seq solutions with the Singular Genomics G4 Sequencing Platform.
Singular for low input total RNA seq
Total RNA libraries from low input samples using Takara Bio's SMART-Seq solutions with Singular Genomics G4 Sequencing Platform.
Full-length, single-cell, and ultra-low-input RNA-seq with UMIs
Robust RNA counting strategy for full-length transcriptome studies from single-cell to 100 ng RNA.
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