IgG detection without a secondary antibody: Western BLoT Rapid Detect v2.0
Western BLoT Rapid Detect v2.0 is a detection reagent kit for Western blotting that detects primary antibodies using an antibody-free IgG detector solution (HRP-labeled). Compared with conventional detection techniques that use labeled secondary antibodies, this product provides faster, higher sensitivity detection and can be used for simultaneous detection of multiple types of primary antibodies. An added blocking component in the v2 dilution buffer allows for even higher sensitivity and simpler use.
The main component of this product is the IgG detector, an HRP conjugate that binds IgG. On the surface of one molecule of IgG Detector there are approximately 100 antibody-binding protein molecules and approximately 50 molecules of HRP.
The performance of this kit has been validated in combination with the Western BLot HRP chemiluminescent substrate series.
- Simultaneous detection of multiple primary antibodies
- Detection of minute quantities of antigen that cannot be detected using conventional techniques with a labeled secondary antibody
More Information
- Western blot signal detection without using a labeled secondary antibody
- Secondary antibody enhancement: IgG detector can be used after conventional techniques (labeled secondary antibody) to intensify the signal
- Re-probing blots that produced a weak signal with conventional techniques (labeled secondary antibody)
Antibody compatibility
This product can detect most primary antibodies with the exception of a few, such as goat IgG. If the primary antibody is a goat IgG, this product cannot be used. However, this kit can be used for secondary antibody enhancement as described in the User Manual.
If the primary antibody is mouse IgG, the IgG Detector has low binding capacity. For detection of mouse IgG, add the Enhancer for Mouse IgG to the IgG Detector.
Additional product information
Please see the product's Certificate of Analysis for information about storage conditions, product components, and technical specifications. Please see the Kit Components List to determine kit components. Certificates of Analysis and Kit Components Lists are located under the Documents tab.
Takara Bio USA, Inc.
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