Recombinant adenovirus learning center
Recombinant adenoviruses are commonly used for gene delivery because of their broad host range, scalability, and high M.O.I. These DNA viruses do not integrate into the host geneome but can direct long-term transgene expression in non-dividing cells.
Learn more about adenoviral transduction products, tools, and FAQs by clicking the links below.
Adenovirus learning center
Adenovirus product selection guide
Product selection guide for adenoviral products including vector systems, titration kits, and other tools.
Adenoviral FAQs
Frequently asked questions about adenoviral vector systems, purification kits, and titration kits.
Fastest, easiest adenoviral system ever
The fastest, easiest adenoviral system ever allows direct cloning into adenovirus just like any plasmid.
Mega-scale adenovirus purification system
Cheaper, faster, and easier adenovirus preparations of up to 10^13 viral particles.
Shuttle-free cloning into adenovirus
Adeno-X Adenoviral System 3 is the most advanced commercially available adenoviral gene-delivery system.
Adenovirus titration by antibody or qPCR
Choice of titration kits to measure adenovirus titer using either a hexon antibody or by real-time qPCR.
Adenovirus purification
Chromatography-based systems that enable you to purify amplified adenovirus directly from the cell pellet in less than 1.5 hours.
Adenovirus titration by qPCR
View data comparing titrating adenovirus using qPCR to other methods.

Choose the right viral system
Use these tables to compare the characteristics of lentivirus, retrovirus, adenovirus, and adeno-associated virus (AAV), and select the best recombinant viral gene delivery system for your needs.
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