Embgenix Analysis Software for ESM Screen Kit confirmation
Thank you for requesting access to the analyzer. You will receive an automated email confirming that we are processing your request. Our team will send you a second email with the website link for accessing the software and the login information within 1–2 business days (based on Pacific Time). You can reach out to us at embgenix_support@takarabio.com if you do not receive a response after two business days.
Instructions for using the software will be included with access to the software.
Supported operating systems
- Windows OS: Version 7 and higher
- Mac OS: Sierra (Version 10.12) or higher
Hardware requirements
Any standard desktop or laptop with the following specifications are recommended:
- Memory: 8 GB RAM or higher
- Free disk space: 100 GB or higher hard drive space
- Connectivity: connection to a high-speed and reliable internet network for upload of input data
Additional third-party software dependencies
- Web browser: Google Chrome (preferred), Safari, or Microsoft Edge
- Access to Illumina MiSeq® or NextSeq® sequencing data, stored either on the user's computer or a mapped network drive
Required input files
- Single- or paired-end FASTQ files generated by an Illumina MiSeq or NextSeq system as part of the Embgenix PGT-A Kit workflow
Takara Bio USA, Inc.
United States/Canada: +1.800.662.2566 • Asia Pacific: +1.650.919.7300 • Europe: +33.(0)1.3904.6880 • Japan: +81.(0)77.565.6999
FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY. NOT FOR USE IN DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES. © 2025 Takara Bio Inc. All Rights Reserved. All trademarks are the property of Takara Bio Inc. or its affiliate(s) in the U.S. and/or other countries or their respective owners. Certain trademarks may not be registered in all jurisdictions. Additional product, intellectual property, and restricted use information is available at takarabio.com.