NucleoSpin RNA XS—complete kit for isolation and purification of total RNA from extremely small samples
NucleoSpin RNA XS allows the isolation of highly concentrated, highly pure total RNA from very dilute or low-volume tissue and cell samples such as biopsy material or single cells. The innovative funnel-shaped thrust ring allows standard miniprep spin columns to hold a silica membrane of very small diameter. The small surface of the NucleoSpin RNA XS membrane allows efficient elution in only 5–20 µl, resulting in highly concentrated RNA. Purified RNA is ready for all typical downstream applications.
NucleoSpin RNA XS allows the isolation of highly concentrated, highly pure total RNA from very dilute or low-volume tissue and cell samples such as biopsy material or single cells. The innovative funnel-shaped thrust ring allows standard miniprep spin columns to hold a silica membrane of very small diameter. The small surface of the NucleoSpin RNA XS membrane allows efficient elution in only 5–20 µl, resulting in highly concentrated RNA. Purified RNA is ready for all typical downstream applications.
Cells are lysed by incubation in the lysis buffer (high concentration of chaotropic salts). This lysis buffer immediately inactivates RNases—which are present in virtually all biological materials—and creates appropriate binding conditions which favor adsorption of RNA to the silica membrane. After lysis, homogenization and reduction of viscosity are achieved by filtration with NucleoSpin Filter units (shredders). Residual genomic DNA is efficiently removed by on-column digestion with rDNase, provided with the kit. Total RNA is eluted in RNase-free water. The low elution volume results in concentrated RNA with typical RIN (RNA Integrity Number) values >9 (depending on sample quality).
- Purify RNA from a single cell, or 0.1 mg of tissue
- Obtain highly concentrated RNA for sensitive downstream applications—elute in as little as 5 µl
- Complete kit with rDNase included for optimal on-column genomic DNA removal
- Filters included for homogenization and reducing lysate viscosity
- Yields high-quality, ready-to-use RNA for RT-PCR and other sensitive applications
More Information
Technology | Silica membrane |
Format | XS spin columns |
Starting material | 1–100,000 cultured cells <5 mg tissue |
Fragment size | >200 bp |
Typical yield | 0.1–1,500 ng |
A260/280 | 1.90–2.10 |
Elution volume | 5–20 µl |
Preparation time | 40 min/12 preps |
Complete kit for isolation and purification of total RNA from cultured cells, tissue, cryosections, laser-captured cells, small amounts of plant material, and samples stored in RNAlater.
Purified RNA is suitable for:
- Real-time RT-PCR
- Northern blotting
- Primer extension
- Array technology
- RNase protection assays
Additional product information
Please see the product's Certificate of Analysis for information about storage conditions, product components, and technical specifications. Please see the Kit Components List to determine kit components. Certificates of Analysis and Kit Components Lists are located under the Documents tab.

Universal reagent for RNA isolation
NucleoZOL is a highly efficient RNA isolation reagent for extracting high-quality miRNA and total RNA from a variety of starting materials, including cells, tissues, and liquids of human or animal origin, as well as plants, yeast, bacteria, viruses, and other sources.
See the data RNA purification kitsTakara Bio USA, Inc.
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