International Society for Cell & Gene Therapy
Radically transform your lentiviral transduction workflow
Simplified tools with elegant efficiency to fuel your next breakthrough
The ISCT Annual Meeting brought together academic, regulatory, and industry experts from around the world to advance the field of cell and gene therapy. We shared our comprehensive solutions across viral-based gene delivery, immune cell engineering, mRNA synthesis, NGS-based analysis, and more that support research toward developing the next generation of cell and gene therapies.
Poster presentation

Easy and Efficient Lentiviral Transduction with a Macroporous Transduction Sponge
In this poster, Tom Quinn described a simple yet elegant product with a reproducible workflow designed to reduce cell touchpoints for a more streamlined experimental design. The Lenti-X Transduction Sponge enables transduction of up to 107 cells per reaction in one well of a 24-well plate. The protocol is gentle to cells, resulting in high cellular viability and preservation of cell phenotypes. No optimization or change of protocol is required for different cell types. The transduction sponge is an excellent alternative to spinoculation and can be applied for transduction applications in any cell type, including hard-to-transduce cells.
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