Maximize sample recovery with in-tip bead separation

Increase reproducibility with in-tip bead separation
NGS library prep protocols require several bead cleanup steps that can result in variation and decreased yields due to loss of product. The Apollo system improves bead cleanup with in-tip bead separation, which minimizes variation and product loss. Improved bead cleanup is facilitated by an automated magnetic bar. First, the Apollo system draws up the suspended beads. Then, the magnetic bar swings down and comes into contact with the tips, instantly aggregating the beads, which can be seen as a dark mass adhering to the side of the tip that makes contact with the magnetic bar. Any remaining beads are captured by repeatedly passing the solution in the tip past the magnetic bar. After capture, the solution is cleared, and the beads can be seen as a dark mass adhering to the magnetic bar. See in-tip bead purification in action:
Automated in-tip bead capture on the Apollo system is consistent, regardless of deck position or time of sample processing. To verify this, DNA-seq libraries were prepared on the system from E. coli DNA using the PrepX ILMN DNA Library Kit - B. Bioanalyzer traces of libraries produced from different deck positions and on different days with the same input sample demonstrate consistent library preparation, independent of when the sample is processed or which deck position is used for processing.
Automate SMART-Seq v4 ultra-low-input RNA-seq library prep
What do you get when you combine the industry-leading sensitivity of SMART-Seq v4 ultra-low-input cDNA synthesis with the reliability of Apollo instrumentation? A high-throughput, automated workflow for ultra-low-input and single-cell RNA-seq that does not sacrifice quality or consistency as compared to manual methods and that frees you up to perform other experiments.
The SMART-Seq v4 Reagent Kit for the Apollo System is designed to generate high-quality, full-length cDNA directly from 1–1,000 cells or 10 pg–10 ng of total RNA using a high-throughput workflow that enables processing of up to 96 samples in a single working day. The adaptation of our SMART-Seq v4 technology for automated library preparation provides results with high similarity to those of manually generated libraries while minimizing variation and hands-on time.
Reduce errors with complete, plug-and-play PrepX kits
Manual NGS library preparation can be tedious and confusing, with hours of hands-on time and complicated multi-tube chemistries. Apollo users can easily generate consistent, high-quality NGS libraries with complete PrepX kits and compatible scripts. PrepX kits provide every reagent necessary for library prep in prealiquoted, color-coded, single-use reagent strips. This makes deck setup simple: follow the prompts on the integrated touchscreen that tell you exactly where and how to place the reagents, minimizing error and stress.
Designed with flexibility in mind, PrepX kits and compatible scripts accommodate a variety of sample throughputs and input amounts.
Cat. # | Apollo reagent kit | Compatible script | Script throughput | Minimum input amount per sample |
6401611 | PrepX ILMN DNA Library Kit - A | PrepX ILM 8 | 1–8 | 1 ng DNA |
6401621 | PrepX ILMN DNA Library Kit - B | PrepX ILM 32i | 4–32 | 1 ng DNA |
640096 | PrepX RNA-Seq for Illumina Library Kit, 24 Samples | PrepX mRNA 8 | 1–8 | 100 pg polyA-enriched RNA; 2 ng rRNA-depleted mRNA |
640097 | PrepX RNA-Seq for Illumina Library Kit, 48 Samples | PrepX mRNA 48 | 6–48 | 100 pg polyA-enriched RNA; 2 ng rRNA-depleted mRNA |
1Cat. # 640161 provides enough reagent to run 24 samples in batches of up to 8 samples. Cat. # 640162 provides enough reagent to run 96 samples in batches of up to 32 samples.
2 Product availability varies by region.
Set up the deck, hit run, and walk away
The Apollo system′s graphic user interface (GUI) on the integrated touchscreen displays easy-to-follow instructions for PrepX kit reagent placement. GUI-adapted protocols will display an overview of the deck setup and then call out each deck position to identify which plastic, what reagent, and how much of that reagent to load in a specific location. It also prompts you to add reagents and strips in a certain orientation, depending on the script and kit used.
This screenshot is part of a series of images displayed on the Apollo system′s integrated touchscreen that guides users through deck setup. Just verify the deck setup is correct, hit run, and the Apollo system does the rest!
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