While primary culture of cells derived from the central nervous system is a powerful tool, the resulting lack of cellular heterogeneity or three-dimensional structure can render these approaches limited. One way to address these shortcomings is through the use of organotypic brain slice cultures, which preserve neural architecture and diversity for downstream analyses. Transfection of these cultures, however, can be both challenging and frustrating, which is why Dr. Maik Hintze (University of Bonn) developed this transfection protocol using the Xfect Transfection Reagent:
Cerebellar slice cultures are not very easy to transfect, often making viral transduction necessary. We have tested several transfection protocols that would give us good transfection efficiencies while allowing single-cell separation for counting and morphology. The Xfect Protocol provides a perfect balance of high cell numbers and good single-cell separation which perfectly matches our needs. The protocol is fast and simple to perform."
—Dr. Maik Hintze (University of Bonn)