Enrichment is a sample preparation strategy used to isolate and sequence only those genes of interest, reducing cost and improving informatics efficiency. Our enrichment protocols are compatible with all ThruPLEX DNA-Seq, ThruPLEX Plasma-Seq, and ThruPLEX Tag-seq kits.
Materials required
A ThruPLEX library preparation kit (choose from the ThruPLEX DNA-Seq kits, ThruPLEX Plasma-Seq kits, or ThruPLEX Tag-seq kits listed in the Related Products section at the bottom of this page)
SeqCap EZ Accessory Kit V2 (Roche NimbleGen; Cat. # 07145594001 or 06776345001)
SeqCap EZ Hybridization and Wash Kit (Roche NimbleGen, Cat. # 05634261001)
SeqCap Pure Capture Bead Kit (Roche NimbleGen; Cat. # 06977952001)
SeqCap EZ Library
Other consumables as specified in the the SeqCap EZ Library SR User's Guide (version 5.0) under "Consumables Purchased from Other Vendors"
As specified in the "Laboratory Equipment" section of the SeqCap EZ Library SR User's Guide (version 5.0)
ThruPLEX library preparation
Prepare ThruPLEX libraries according to the ThruPLEX DNA-Seq, Plasma-Seq, or Tag-seq kit user manual.
Perform library purification using AMPure XP beads as described in the appropriate ThruPLEX user manual.
CAUTION: For the final elution, DNA must be eluted by resuspending the beads in 30 µl of PCR grade water, not TE buffer.
ThruPLEX library capture
Resuspend xGen Universal Blocking Oligos to 1 µl per reaction (or 1 nmol/µl) in nuclease-free water.
Pool ThruPLEX libraries for hybridization by adding equal amounts of each library to obtain 1 µg of DNA. For example, to hybridize four ThruPLEX libraries with different indexes, 250 ng of each library would be added; or if pooling 10 uniquely indexed libraries, 100 ng of each library would be added.
In a 1.5-ml microcentrifuge tube combine:
5 µl of COT Human DNA (1 mg/ml) from the SeqCap EZ Accessory Kit v2
1 µg pooled ThruPLEX libraries
1 µl xGen Universal Blocking Oligo - TS HT-i5
1 µl xGen Universal Blocking Oligo - TS HT-i7
Follow the SeqCap EZ Library SR User’s Guide (version 5.0) starting at Chapter 5, Step 5, #4 (“Close the tube’s lid….”) and continue to the end of Chapter 7 to generate captured ThruPLEX libraries that are ready to be quantified and sequenced using Illumina NGS platforms.
NOTE: This protocol was developed using the SeqCap EZ Human Exome v3.0 Library.
Related Products
User-generated protocols
User-generated protocols are based on internal proof-of-concept experiments, customer collaborations, and published literature. In some cases, relevant results are discussed in our research news BioView blog articles. While we expect these protocols to be successful in your hands, they may not be fully reviewed or optimized. We encourage you to contact us or refer to the published literature for more information about these user-generated and -reported protocols.
If you are looking for a product-specific, fully optimized User Manual or Protocol-At-A-Glance, please visit the product's product page, open the item's product details row in the price table, and click Documents. More detailed instructions for locating documents are available on our website FAQs page.
Questions? Protocols of your own that you would like to share?