Scientific posters
To educate and inform the scientific community about our cutting-edge NGS solutions, Takara Bio staff frequently presents scientific posters at major conferences around the world. Included below are scientific posters featuring methods and data for a wide array of our NGS applications.
2024 posters
Scaling up plate-based single-cell profiling: introducing automated STORM-seq
Background Full-length, single-cell RNA-seq (scRNA-seq) allows for more complete transcriptomic profiling compared to 5' or 3' end-counting methods. However, labor-intensive, non-modular workflows with high reagent costs limit scalability. Advancements in laboratory automation, protocol design, and reaction miniaturization have overcome some of these constraints. In collaboration with the Van Andel Institute, we present Single-cell TOtal RNA Miniaturized sequencing (STORM-seq), which pairs Takara Bio’s SMART® technology with SPT Labtech’s mosquito® HV genomics liquid handling platform. This miniaturized, plate-based scRNA-seq approach is scalable, automated, and offers a solution for single-cell transcriptomic profiling (i.e., coding/noncoding transcripts, isoforms, gene fusions, etc.) at reduced cost and increased cell throughput.
Methods Single viable K562 cells, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PMBCs), or renal cell carcinoma cells (RCCs) were sorted into 384-well plates using fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS). Following lysis and RNA fragmentation, RNA was reverse transcribed into cDNA. Unique molecular identifiers (UMIs) and unique dual indices (UDIs) were incorporated into the cDNA library following a modified protocol from Johnson and Rhodes et al. (2022, bioRxiv). Miniaturized (1/6) reactions were facilitated using mosquito HV genomics (SPT Labtech). After indexing, pooling, and cleanup, the cDNA libraries were treated with the ZapR™ ribo-depletion technology to remove rRNA-derived cDNAs. The libraries were amplified and sequenced using an Illumina® NextSeq® 500. Sequencing results were analyzed using Cogent™ NGS Software (Takara Bio).
Enabling long-read mRNA-seq for samples with limited input amounts
Abstract Due to its role in encoding proteins, the ultimate effectors of cell function, and the simplicity of its identification through sequencing, mRNA has become a key indicator in scientific fields such as cancer research, developmental biology, neurobiology, and immunology. Significantly, changes in mRNAs that effect protein function—for example, alternative splicing, SNVs and gene fusions—can be effective biomarkers in these settings.
Third-generation sequencing technologies, such as Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT), provide the opportunity to sequence full-length cDNA without the need for fragmentation and hence provide a more complete picture of isoforms present. However, a current limitation of long-read RNA sequencing is the requirement for high input amounts that can be unachievable for some primary sample types, like RNA isolated from tumor samples or sorted blood cancer cells.
SMART® technology (Switching Mechanism at the 5’ end of RNA Template) has emerged as the best solution for detecting and analyzing RNA from a wide range of samples, especially from low input, due to its sensitivity, simplicity, and ability to capture the entire RNA transcript in a single step. An efficient and comprehensive analysis of the full-length cDNA generated by SMART technology has previously been hampered by short-read sequencing, which fragments the resulting output, making it challenging to obtain a full picture of isoform repertoire.
With the improved productivity and accuracy of the ONT platform, combining it with SMART technology in the SMART-Seq® mRNA Long Read (LR) workflow to capture full-length RNA transcripts provides a more complete picture of isoform-specific changes in critical sample types. It is now possible to interrogate up to 96 samples from as little as 10 pg–100 ng of input RNA, which highlights the new opportunities that this technology provides to the field of biomarker discovery.
Previous years' posters sorted by application
Whole transcriptome analysis
Single-cell mRNA-seq
Pushing the limits of single-cell RNA-seq with SMART-Seq single cell technology (ABRF, March 2020) »
SMART-Seq Stranded Kit performance with ovarian cancer cells (ABRF, March 2019) »
A SMARTer solution to stranded single-cell RNA-seq (ABRF, April 2018) »
Total RNA-seq
Strand-specific transcriptome sequencing for challenging samples (ABRF, March 2014) »
High-throughput automation of single-cell mRNA-seq
Targeted sequencing
Immune profiling
High throughput single cell T-cell receptor profiling by SMART technology (AGBT, February 2018) »
Profiling human TCR repertoire diversity with SMART technology (CAR-TCR Summit, September 2016) »
A SMARTer approach to profiling the human T-cell receptor repertoire (AAI, May 2016) »
A SMARTer approach to profiling the human T-cell receptor repertoire (ABRF, February 2016) »
Small RNA-seq
Targeted RNA-seq
A SMARTer approach to gene fusion identification (Next Generation Dx Summit 2017, August 2017) »
Sensitive capture of full-length transcript information with targeted RNA-seq (ASHG, October 2016) »
DNA sequencing
DNA-seq from cfDNA
ChIP-seq for low-input DNA
Single-cell DNA-seq
Whole exome sequencing
High-throughput automation of DNA-seq
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